Scopes Galore!

Among the great things about the training programme for doctors at The Alfred ICU are the weekly Airway and Bronchoscopy sessions. These are ‘hands on’ sessions covering every facet of critical care airway management and bronchoscopy.

This week we used task trainers to practice removing various foreign bodies mimicking teeth, blood and mucus using bronchoscopy.

Alfred ICU Fellow (and anaesthetist) Jen Hastings teaching the finer points of bronchoscopic removal of lower airway foreign bodies

Alfred ICU Fellow (and anaesthetist) Jen Hastings teaching the finer points of bronchoscopic removal of lower airway foreign bodies

Are those teeth? Graspers at the ready!

Are those teeth? Graspers at the ready!


In addition, Heidi McKenzie from Storz brought with her a dazzling collection of C-Mac video laryngoscopes and a flexible videoscope for us to practice with. When combined with our collection of direct laryngoscopes, as well as our own C-Mac and McGrath video laryngoscopes, the Alfred ICU Seminar Room transformed into a playground for practicing both direct and video laryngoscopy, as well as awake intubation with a flexible scope…

Alfred ICU SR (and emergency physician) Arne Diehl takes centre stage while sharing some C-Mac wisdom

Alfred ICU SR (and emergency physician) Arne Diehl takes centre stage while sharing some C-Mac wisdom

Alfred ICU SR Angelo Justus puts the Storz Videoscope through its paces

Alfred ICU SR Angelo Justus puts the Storz Videoscope through its paces

Bougie-assisted intubation with a C-Mac

Bougie-assisted intubation with a C-Mac

If you want to come and learn with us, either apply for a job or check out The Alfred ICU courses – including the ‘Bronchoscopy for Critical Care’ course and the ‘Critically Ill Airway’ course!


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