CICM Second Part Exam Practice SAQs 25102018

As prepared by Chris Nickson, here are the practice written questions from a recent CICM Second Part exam practice session at The Alfred ICU, with recommended reading from’s Critical Care Compendium and other FOAM sources:

Q1. (from CICM Second Part exam 2012.2 Q20)

With respect to non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) in the critically ill:

  1. Give a definition for NCSE (20%)
  2. Outline the difficulties in making the diagnosis (20%)
  3. List the risk factors for NCSE (20%)
  4. Outline your approach to the management of a patient with suspected NCSE (40%)

Learn more here:

Q2. (from CICM Second Part exam 2014.1 Q24)

  1. Briefly explain the concept of the quantitative approach (Stewart’s approach) to acid-base analysis. (50%)
  2. How does the quantitative approach classify acid-base disturbances? (50%)

Learn more here:

Q3. (from CICM Second Part exam 2015.2 Q8)

Normal TEG labelled

With reference to the parameters labelled in Figure 1:


  1. R (or CT)
  2. K (or CFT)
  3. Alpha angle
  4. MA (or MCF)
  5. A30 (or LY30)


  1. Explain what each parameter represents and what it measures. (60% marks)
  2. Suggest a cause of the haemostatic abnormality, and appropriate therapy, for each of the thromboelastogram profiles a) to f) shown below:  (40% marks)

Abnormal TEG

Learn more here:

You can access all the previous practice questions since 2014 here:
See this link on INTENSIVE for exam resources:

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