As prepared by Chris Nickson, here are the practice written questions from this week’s CICM Second Part exam practice session at The Alfred ICU, with recommended reading from’s Critical Care Compendium and other FOAM sources:
A 27 year-old man is admitted to ICU with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). He develops polyuria.
- What is your differential diagnosis for polyuria in this case? (30%)
- Outline your approach to the diagnosis and management of post-traumatic diabetes insipidis. (50%)
- What are the prognostic implications of post-traumatic diabetes insipidis (20%)
Learn more here:
A 28-year-old male has been involved in a high-speed motor vehicle crash and admitted to your hospital. His initial GCS at the scene was 5 (E2, V2, M1). He has been intubated and has a hard collar in place.
- Outline your approach to clearing the cervical spine in this man. Justify your answer.
- List the potential problems associated with the inability to clear the cervical spine at an early stage.
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A 30 year old man has been admitted to hospital with severe multiple injuries following a motor vehicle accident.
On day 2, his intracranial pressure has stabilised and his head CT shows scattered punctate haemorrhages with subarachnoid blood, with no mass lesion requiring evacuation. His pelvic fracture and right tibia / fibula fracture have been managed with external fixation and a left leg femoral fracture has undergone open reduction and internal fixation.
He has been in good health, but had a DVT 3 years ago and is not on any regular medication.
Outline your approach to prophylaxis for venous thrombo-embolism in this patient.
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You can access all the previous practice questions since 2014 here:
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