Steve Philpot is an intensivist at The Alfred ICU and is our Hospital Medical Director for organ and tissue donation. He is an expert on communication issues in difficult circumstances. At smaccGOLD he talked about ‘Talking at the Death’, emphasising the key barriers to telling patients they are dying, and how to overcome them. This is a MUST listen for anyone who looks after the critically ill.
Here is the audio (download mp3):
Here are the slides:
To listen to all the smaccGOLD talks as they are released subscribe to the SMACC podcast on iTunes or Libsyn. See you in Chicago — SMACC Chicago 23-26 June 2015.
If you want to learn more from Steve he runs Donate Life’s free Family Donation Conversation Workshops held throughout Australia (these workshops are reviewed here). Steve’s other talks on INTENSIVE include What is possible?, What is reasonable?, What is best? and his VIN talk on the Australian Organ Donation Registry.