Professor Steve Bernard is an intensivist at The Alfred and is a globally recognised expert on everything resuscitation. His 2002 study on therapeutic hypothermia in NEJM helped lead the adoption of this therapy together with a comprehensive team-approach and systems development to optimise care of cardiac arrest patients.
At smaccGOLD, Steve discussed many of the controversies of cutting edge post-arrest care, and offered his take on key issues that include:
- outcomes from VF arrest that make it to hospital are better than many of us think
- post-arrest patients should go to 24-hour cath lab centres
- is hyperoxia harmful after cardiac arrest?
- is SBP 120 mmHg the optimum BP target after cardiac arrest?
- why we should change practice from a target of T32-34C to T36C-based targeted temperature management
- the role of mechanical CPR
- selected patients should go to ECPR centres – ECPR is a reality at The Alfred ICU and elsewhere (see, which Steve mentions during question time).
Here is the audio (download mp3):
To listen to all the smaccGOLD talks as they are released subscribe to the SMACC podcast on iTunes or Libsyn. See you in Chicago — SMACC Chicago 23-26 June 2015.