Consultant Intensivist Transitioning (CIT) Course

There are still a few spots left on the Consultant Intensivist Transitioning (CIT) Course being held on Monday 25th to Tuesday 26th August 2014 at The Alfred in Melbourne, Australia. Originally designed and run by the brilliant Carole Foot, The Alfred ICU team are now the custodians of this course – however, the dynamic and engaging teachers that made it such a success are still at its core: Carole Foot, Liz Hickson and Kim Vidhani.



CIT course

Click image to download pdf brochure

Read this free-to-view JICS article titled ‘The Australian Consultant Intensivist Transition (CIT) course: timely and relevant for intensivists everywhere‘ (pdf) by the course creators to learn more, then go to the CIT Course page to register.

I did this course last year, and like many previous attendees found it to be a revelation. This course helps you take control of your career and ensure your future professional life is all that it can be. Topics covered – in an interactive, engaging and immersive format – include: conflict resolution, negotiation, non-technical skills, running meetings and dealing with politics, leadership, change management, managing performance, life planning, legal and ethical issues and more.

Furthermore, as a dual trainee, I have no doubt that other specialities such as emergency medicine and anaesthesia would get just as much out of the course as those working in intensive care.

Don’t miss out!

Disclosure: I know many of the people involved in this course personally and I work at The Alfred ICU.

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