As prepared by Chris Nickson, here are the practice questions from today’s written exam practice session at The Alfred ICU, with recommended reading from’s Critical Care Compendium and other FOAM sources:
You have just completed reviewing a stable patient when a woman runs into the emergency department toward you. She is screaming for help and holding an 8 month-old baby who is cold and pulseless.
Outline your approach to the management of this situation.
Learn more here:
A MET call is activated when a 45-year-old man unexpectedly develops massive haematemesis on the ward. He was awaiting discharge after recovering from a community acquired pneumonia. He has a history of liver cirrhosis due to Hepatitis C virus from previous IV drug use.
He has bilateral crepitations and has SpO2 89% on 15L/min via a non-rebreather mask. He is drowsy, agitated and has BP 90/55 mmHg. He continues to profusely vomit large amounts of fresh blood.
Describe your approach to the initial management of this case.
Learn more here:
Compare and contrast the different types of renal tubular acidosis (Type 1, Type 2 and Type 4).
Learn more here:
You can access all the previous practice questions since 2014 here:
See this link on INTENSIVE for exam resources: