CICM Second Part Exam Practice SAQs 07032019

As prepared by Chris Nickson, here are the practice written questions from a recent CICM Second Part exam practice session at The Alfred ICU, with recommended reading from’s Critical Care Compendium and other FOAM sources:


A 25-year-old female, was admitted to ICU overnight requiring high flow oxygen for type 1 respiratory failure due to a multilobar community acquired pneumonia (CAP). She had no known allergies, but developed anaphylaxis with airway oedema following administration of IV amoxicillin. She had up to 10 minutes of SpO2 <70% during difficult intubation attempts and ultimately required an emergency surgical cricothyroidotomy. She has since stabilised but remains sedated, and is on an adrenaline infusion for anaphylaxis. A CT brain has been ordered, but not yet performed. You have taken over her care this morning and her husband has just arrived, as he was told to attend as soon as possible.

Outline your approach to the family meeting with the patient’s husband. (100%)

Learn more here:


Regarding multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS):

  1. Define MODS (20%)
  2. List 2 scoring systems that can be used to quantify severity of MODS (10%)
  3. Outline the pathophysiology of MODS (70%)

Learn more here:


You are referred a 35-year-old male from the emergency department. He was discovered by friends in a semi-comatose state and surrounded by empty pill packets. He weighs 70kg and may have ingested up to 100g of enteric-coated sodium valproate at an unknown time.

Outline your approach to the management of this case. (100%)

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You can access all the previous practice questions since 2014 here:
See this link on INTENSIVE for exam resources:

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