Here are the practice questions from today’s written exam practice session led by Chris Nickson at The Alfred ICU, with recommended quick reference resources (but don’t forget to study the recommended texts!):
Regarding renal blood flow:
- Explain how renal blood flow can be measured
- Describe the regulation of renal blood flow
Learn more here:
- Renal circulation mind map (pdf by Paul Young)
Compare and contrast how the renal tubules handle sodium with how they handle glucose.
Learn more here:
- Tubular function I mind map (pdf by Paul Young)
- Tubular function II mind map (pdf by Paul Young)
Concerning diuretics:
- Draw a diagram illustrating the 4 anatomical sites of action for 4 different classes of diuretics and provide an example of each drug
- Explain the mechanism of action for each drug
Learn more here:
- Diuretics (pdf from
CICM First Part Exam Syllabus
- Renal physiology (Q1 and Q2)
- Renal pharmacology (Q3)
You can access all the previous practice questions since 2015 here:
See this link on INTENSIVE for exam resources:
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