Reviewed and revised 5th January 2014
Topic champion: Chris Nickson
Mandatory reading
- Approach to Acute Poisoning (LITFL CCC)
- Daly FF, Little M, Murray L. A risk assessment based approach to the management of acute poisoning. Emerg Med J. 2006 May;23(5):396-9. PubMed PMID: 16627846; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC2564094. [Free full Text]
Other information particularly useful for CICM trainees)
- Toxicology case-based Q&A database (LITFL)
- Podcasts
- Nickson on cardiotoxic overdoses (20 minute talk from the 2012 Bedside Critical Care conference)
- Nickson on snakebite (20 minute talk from the 2012 Bedside Critical Care conference)
- Nickson on Spiders and Stingers (20 minute talk from the 2012 Bedside Critical Care conference)
- Recommended textbook
- Toxicology Handbook by Murray et al (2nd edition) – see review on LITFL.
- Keyword search the FCICM Fellowship exam database on LITFL for relevant past questions