Reviewed and revised August 18 2017
INTENSIVE resources
- Severe Burns by Andrew Udy (podcast)
Alfred ICU Guidelines
- Burn Wound Initial Management
- Burn Wound Management (in ICU)
- ICU Burn Analgesia FlowChart
- ICU Management of Procedural Pain For Intubated Burn Patients
- Non Verbal Pain Scale
- Principles of Burn Patient Fluid Resuscitation
- Burn Management Guideline
- ICU Nutrition management of Burn Injury
Other information (particularly useful for CICM trainees)
- Victoria Burns Management Guidelines
- Trauma Tribulation 005 — Roman Breastplate (Escharotomy)
- Trauma Tribulation 032 — Trauma! Major Burns
- Keyword search the FCICM Fellowship exam database on LITFL for relevant past questions.