Here are the practice questions from the viva practice session on Friday 4th March 2016 at The Alfred ICU, with recommended reading from’s Critical Care Compendium and other sources.
Viva 1
Q1: Briefly describe the pharmacology of propofol
Q2: Please draw the structure of propofol
Q3: Explain the multi-compartment model of distribution and elimination
Q4: What is context-sensitive half-time?
Q5: Please draw the context-sensitive half-times of the following drugs: Midazolam, Remifentanil, Propofol & Fentanyl.
Q6: Please explain the term “decrement time”.
Learn more here:
Life In The Fast Lane – Propofol
ICU Primary Prep – Basic Pharmacology
Pharmacology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 4th Ed. TE Peck & SA Hill. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Viva 2
Q1: What is this molecule?
Q2: Outline side effects of this medication.
Q3: Outline the available antidotes for acute cyanide toxicity.
Q4: What are the functions of the vascular endothelium?
Q5: What are some common tests of coagulation that you are aware of?
Q6: When should the International Normalised Ratio (INR) be used to assess a patient’s coagulation status?
Q7: Please describe how the thromboelastogram measures coagulation status.
Q8: Describe the key components of the thromboelastograph.
Q9: If the thromboelastograph from a bleeding patient demonstrated fibrinloysis which blood products would you consider administering?
Q10: Describe the pharmacology of tranexamic acid.
Learn more here: – Haematology Physiology 1 – Clinical use of coagulation tests
Basic Physiology for Anaesthetists. C. Huang, D. Chambers, G Matthews. Cambridge University Press, 2014
You can access all the previous practice questions since 2015 here:
See this link on INTENSIVE for exam resources: